Matilde Flores


+1 212 257 6947
+1 212 257 6950
Where Advocacy Meets Business

To achieve the best possible outcome for my clients, I love thinking through complex facts underlying a dispute in order to assemble the base case then collaborating with colleagues to anticipate and address all potential concerns.

Matilde has experience in international commercial arbitration and investment disputes. She has handled cases conducted under all major arbitration rules, including ICDR, ICC, UNCITRAL, ICSID and LCIA.  Her cases have involved disputes in the energy sector (including oil & gas, electricity and renewables), construction, licensing and distribution agreements and banking and finance. In her cases, Matilde frequently focuses on technical aspects of a case and on the quantification of damages, usually working very closely with expert witnesses.  She is also very knowledgeable of institutional arbitration rules, and particularly the ICSID rules and is well versed in jurisdictional matters and jurisprudence.

Matilde earned her J.D. and B.C.L. from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where she served as associate editor of the McGill Journal of Dispute Resolution. She is common law and civil law trained and is fluent in English, Spanish and French. Matilde is an active member of the international arbitration community, and she frequently writes and speaks on various issues of international arbitration.


Prior to joining Chaffetz Lindsey in August 2019, Matilde was an associate at an international law firm, based in Paris, where her practice focused on complex commercial and investment arbitrations.

Representative Matters

  • Representing developer and manufacturer of wind energy turbines in ICC arbitration seated in Mexico over alleged product defects and other alleged contractual breaches.
  • Representing a multinational energy company in an ICSID arbitration against a Latin American sovereign alleging breaches of a bilateral investment treaty and investment law, including unlawful intervention in the electricity and gas markets.
  • Represented a renewable energy company in connection with an ICDR arbitration seated in New York relating to a dispute over the construction and operation of a windfarm.
  • Represented developer and manufacturer of wind energy turbines in ICDR-administered arbitration with wind farm owner regarding alleged product defects, delay, and missed milestones arising under an EPC contract.
  • Advised an African state on the procedure for accession and ratification of the New York Convention and the Convention for the International Sale of Goods.
  • Represented a European state in an ICSID arbitration relating to renewable energy regulations.
  • Represented the national oil company of an East Asian state against a consortium of foreign investors concerning a production sharing agreement for the exploration and production of oil.
  • Represented a Latin American state in an ICSID arbitration relating to the nationalization of three oil projects.
  • Represented the national oil company of a Latin American state in an ICC arbitration initiated by Dutch and North American investors after the nationalization of an offshore oil project.
  • Represented a national oil company in an ICC arbitration concerning nationalization of two oil projects and implementation of a windfall tax.
  • Represented Latin American state in an ICSID annulment proceeding concerning the nationalization of marine support service contracts.


  • “Security for Costs as Interim Relief: The Strict Standard of the ICSID Jurisprudence Must be Preserved,” Investment Treaty Arbitration, Volume 14 (forthcoming).
  • “Expedited Procedure under the 2017 ICC Rules: Does the ICC’s Priority for Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness Come at the Expense of the Parties’ Rights?” (Kluwer Arbitration Blog, 2019).

Speaking Engagements

  • “The Impact of International Backgrounds on Arbitration Advocacy Styles” Fordham International Law Association, Panelist (February 2024).
  • “International Construction Arbitration: Core Concepts for Arbitration Practitioners,” ICDR Y&I International Construction Arbitration Series, Panelist (December 2023).
  • “The Current Landscape of Arbitration in Latin America,” Latin American Arbitration Association and Arb40 Subcommittee of the IBA, Panelist (October 2023)
  • “Hot Topics in International Arbitration,” London International Disputes Week, Speaker (London, March 2023).
  • “Corruption Allegations in International Arbitration,” NYU Sciences Po Intergenerational Arbitration Symposium on “Hot topics of International Arbitration,”  Panelist (March 2023)
  • “Damages, Country Risk and Interest Rates,” World Arbitration Update’s, Panelist (September 2022).
  • “Arbitrators can and should rely more on practices and trade usages when deciding cases,” American Society of International Law’s Young Arbitrator’s, Debater (April 2022).
  • “ICCA Guidelines on Standards of Practice in IA as a part of international arbitral tribunals’ procedural orders as a means of increasing efficiency and reducing costs,” American Society of International Law’s Young Arbitrator’s Debate, Debater (October 2021).
  • “True or False: Security for Costs Should be Mandated for Investor-State Arbitration?” JURIS Conferences’ 14th Annual Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference (June 2020).

Professional Affiliations



  • J.D./B.C.L., McGill University
  • B.A., McGill University (First Class Honors)


  • New York
  • Paris (inactive)


English, French, Spanish

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